

Aromatherapy is an alternative form of medicine that is used to relieve pain and stress.  This form of treatment employs essential oils for its aromatic properties that are believed to influence a person’s mood, thinking, mind-set and function.
The first known use of aromatherapy dates back to more than 5000 years ago. Back then, the people from Egypt pay tribute to the Egyptian gods by burning herbs, spices and woods in order to send their prayers to the heavens through the risen smoke.
Today, aromatherapy is used because of its medicinal value. Although it has not been proven that aromatherapy cures major diseases, it is on the other hand, known to be effective in lessening the pain and discomfort that are related to such conditions.
Aromatherapy can be used in three different ways. First is by applying it directly to the skin, also known as topical application. This is the method of application used for massage and baths like those from the spa. Topical application of aromatherapy benefits you in one of the following ways:
  • Tissue and muscle repair of lesions, injuries, cuts or abrasions.
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Better sleep at night
  • Improved circulation of blood
  • Relief from inflammation
  • Enhanced skin suppleness
Second, aromatherapy can be infused through inhalation of oil or infusion vapors. This is beneficial to the body such as:
  • Relief of nasal congestion
  • Relief of Lung infection that may be caused by bacteria and fungus
  • Aids in expectorating phlegm
  • Better sleeping pattern
Lastly, diffusion of oils in the air is another way to infuse aromatherapy. This method allows the aromatic smell to be utilized by circulating the aroma through the air. The smell may help the body and mind by:
  • Alleviating headaches
  • Energizing the mind and body
  • Producing calming effects
In addition to that, aromatherapy is advantageous to the mind and body in a lot of ways. It helps relieve mind problems such stress, anxiety and depression and this in turn may also lower the blood pressure. With aromatherapy, you will also improve the circulation of your blood which in turn helps eliminate unwanted toxins and improve wound healing process.
Your immunity against certain illnesses and infections is also improved with this alternative medicine by improving your resistance. Aromatherapy also results in enhanced digestion. For women, you can also get relief from menstrual cramps.
There are a lot of oils and infusions that can be used in Aromatherapy. You can choose from a broad range of essential oils based from the scent you prefer and healing properties of each kind of oil. Simply put, aromatherapy has a long list of benefits to the body. It is a great, natural, inexpensive and effective way to alleviate certain signs, symptoms and conditions. And with practically no known disadvantage of its use, Aromatherapy is definitely one great alternative medicine that is worth a try.